sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

Monasterio De San Pedro De Arlanza

El monasterio de San Pedro de Arlanza, situado en la localidad burgalesa de Hortigüela (Castilla y LeónEspaña) a orillas del río que le da nombre, fue uno de los centros monásticos más importantes del condado de Castilla. Aunque los restos más antiguos existentes hoy en el conjunto monacal, correspondientes a la iglesia, datan de 1080, la congregación fue fundada en 912 como un eremitorio, de ruinas aún visibles, en la parte alta de las paredes que flanquean el valle. Este monasterio recibió el apelativo de «cuna de Castilla» y estuvo en funcionamiento hasta la desamortización de Mendizábal en el 1835.

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Blogger dijo...

In this fashion my buddy Wesley Virgin's tale starts with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.

As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "self mind control" secrets that the CIA and others used to obtain anything they want.

These are the EXACT same tactics many celebrities (notably those who "come out of nothing") and elite business people used to become wealthy and successful.

You probably know how you use less than 10% of your brain.

That's really because the majority of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

Perhaps that expression has even occurred IN YOUR very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head seven years back, while driving a non-registered, trash bucket of a vehicle without a driver's license and on his bank card.

"I'm so frustrated with going through life paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I become successful?"

You've been a part of those those questions, right?

Your very own success story is waiting to start. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.